Thursday, October 7, 2010

WS2 Flash codes

Flash codes

Experiment was performed on a Toyota 4A-FE engine.

Using the workshop manual follow the procedure to extract the codes, explain briefly what is the procedure:

In the diagnostic panel, I bridged the "TE1" & "E1" terminals.
The engine light flashes 'x' amount of times to indicate what the fault is.
e.g: for fault 12, the engine light will blink once, gap, then twice.
1 _ 2. Put them together and you have the number 12 etc.
Results are recorded as follows.

Code number System affected Condition described
12 G, N.E signal Rectified via 22, 31, 41
22 Water temp. Loose connection
31 Vac. sensor Loose connection
41 TPS Loose connection

Visual inspection to find the fault
Fortunately, with these faults that were identified all I had to do was just look for the component. i.e TPS, just look for the throttle and inspect the TPS.

Repair fault
Three sensors were loose or disconnected and all I had to do was reconnect them.
By rectifying 3 faults, the "G N.E signal" fault was also fixed.

Once I was sure all loose connections were tightened, I shut off the engine, disconnected and reconnected the battery and began the flash code test again to see if there were any outstanding faults.
The result I got was 1. 1 = Normal.

If the vehicle was to operate without the faults being rectified, the engine wouldnt operate correctly, and likely to damage the engine seeing that the TPS, Vac sensor, and water temp sensor werent operating. It would most likely be un-economic, and/or overheat.

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